John Williams wrote:

> Maybe (I don't think so, but no matter). More importantly,  I think
> the thread of thought has been lost here. The point is, would
> non-fireman do that if the firemen decided to wait and observe, as
> Doug suggested?

My point was that we look to our experts in a crisis.  If our experts
lay out a course of action for us and we demure, its on our heads
weather it be a burnt building or a burnt economy.

You'e stated that the vast majority of economists do no better than
average at investing.  First, can you substantiate that statement?
Second, what does that really have to do with the financial crisis?

John wrote earlier:

Each to his own.

OK, I pick Warren Buffet, second richest man in the world who termed
the present crisis as an "economic pearl harbor".


OK, how about



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