On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Julia <ju...@zurg.net> wrote:

> What's the best thing to do for that?  And, just as importantly, what
> should
> be avoided at all costs?
A few years back, my daughter wrote on my brand new $800 LCD monitor with a
ballpoint pen.  Water, screen wipes and soft cloths couldn't remove it all.
I was sure it was permanently on there at that point.  Then I saw something
on the net that worked great:

Add a small amount of water to a teaspoon or two of baking soda to make a
paste.  Using a soft cloth, rub the paste onto the pen marks in a circular
motion until they are removed.  Clean area with a clean damp cloth.

The pen marks miraculously came out without leaving "scoured" area on the
screen.   I'm using that same monitor right now and I couldn't tell you
where the pen marks were.  You might want to test it in a tiny corner spot
on your own monitor first, if you ever try this.

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