John wrote:

> I agree with most of what you say, but I just haven't felt like
> starting any discussions on this list recently. The two main things
> that I have previously been interested in discussing here are SF and
> politics. From my point of view, the current political situation in
> the US is a disaster and just too depressing to even think about.

So I take it you're not behind Obama's Wall St. reforms...

One interesting thing, apropos to the list, has been the prevalence of
the term transparency.  I'll bet DB gets a chubby every time he hears
Obama use it.

The thing that bothers me the most is that purveyors of propaganda
(Fox) are so influential.

> As for science fiction, it seems to me that there has been little good
> science fiction coming out lately. If only David Brin would write a
> book about Tom Orley and the skiff, that would be fun to discuss here.
> I normally do not read much fantasy, but with the dearth of science
> fiction coming out I have been reading some fantasy novels. I recently
> finished "The Desert Spear" by Peter V. Brett. That is the sequel to
> "The Warded Man" (aka "The Painted Man"), which is the first book in
> the series. I'm really enjoying the series so far. Peter really knows
> how to build a fantasy world and tell a story. And the characters are
> great, Unfortunately, the next book is not due out until 2012.

Maybe we've already had this discussion, but have you read Banks' Transition?

I like history too, so I've been reading a history of the American
Revolution and Hume's history of England.

For pure pleasure (and because a complete works collection for my
Kindle was dirt cheap) I recently re-read Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.  I
also bought Dune as I haven't read that in probably 30 years, and a
collection of Mil Blogs from the Sandbox



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