Hi Dan, I'm glad to see you're still around and that you've escaped Houston.

 You  wrote:

> Doug, as shocking and horrendous as the accident was, (the entire bottom
> casing was blown up miles by the gas pressure) I am no fan of NIMBY.  If you
> want to stop drilling for oil, then California should stop using fossil
> fuels, not let others take all the risks for them.

It's not really not NIMBY, it's not on my pristine coast.  If the oil
were in the Mojave or if they found more in the central valley,it
would be different.

You used to argue that off shore drilling was safe, an argument that,
as you have noted, has quite literally been blown out of the water.
Drilling in a protected shore would be no different than drilling in
Yosemite or Yellowstone.

If anything good is to come out of this disaster, its that we'll be
taking a closer look at offshore drilling, and that nobody will even
be suggesting that we rape the California coast for a few buckets of

Beyond that, you're right, we should stop using fossil fuels as
quickly as is practicable.  I favor large state and federal taxes on
gas and oil to subsidize research and development on alternatives and
the development of mass transit.  Maybe in light of this debacle a few
more people will see it my way.

Not in Anyone's Back Yard maru


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