Dan Minette  wrote:

> Well, I'm just pointing out that the California wants to protect the whole
> coast but has been happy driving cars with gas refined near Houston from
> offshore GOM.  Why is the GOM shoreline so much lower in value the
> California shoreline?  And, if you stop offshore drilling, you are left with
> fields deep in their decline.  If you exclude the Alaska Wildlife Refuge and
> offshore, you're down 75% in recoverable oil.  Basically, we'll be importing
> 90% of our oil.

Tax, conserve, find alternatives and leave the oil in the ground.
Here and elsewhere.

If only we'd listened to Jimmy Carter.

In any case, thanks for the info in your earlier post about possible
causes; interesting stuff.  One thing; you can speculate about this
being a black swan,  but there's no real way to confirm that.  Even if
this kind of thing happens only a couple of times a century, that's
way too often.



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