Dan wrote:

> Well, the US did prosper from wars it has been in, but that's fairly unique.
> Germany didn't, France didn't.  The USSR didn't; the Cold War broke them.

Eventually, but they were our supposed equals for the better part of
forty years and one can easily imagine scenarios in which they
continued to prosper in at least some sense of the word.

> And, 'Nam hurt the US economy after a while.  We couldn't afford "guns and
> butter" as the saying went at the time.  Even those who argued it was a
> mangled but essential part of containment, it cost.

Global conflict, to reiterate.

> Finally, as more countries get nuclear weapons, the odds on any real
> conflict going nuclear increases.  For example, what would happen if Chinese
> territorial zones kept expanding and were enforced by China's navy?  Would
> the US honor treaties, and what would happen then?'

What would happen to our debt to China in the event of such a conflict?



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