Harry Bell <ubupanora...@icloud.com> writes:


> How can I get my newly set up Ubuntu 24.04 laptop to accept my focus Blue 14
> 5th Gen Braille display as an input device for typing and giving commands to
> navigate the screen? 
> I have installed Ubuntu 24.4 along with Orca and the MATE desktop. I have
> run BRLTTY and now my focus Blue 14 5th Gen Braille display shows in Braille
> what is on the laptop screen. But when I try typing, nothing happens.

Maybe these key bindings help?

* set braille keyboard enabled: Space+Dots138
* set braille keyboard disabled: Space+Dots137
> And i have no idea how to navigate the laptop screen.,

Maybe reading the help page for the Focus 14 will help?

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