On Mon, Jan 02, 2012 at 04:23:20PM +0430, Christina & Remy wrote:
> Jeg har igår sat et bryg til gæring og er lige kommet hjem og ser at den er
> gået i stå efter der var gang i den i morges,kan det være normalt eller
> skal jeg tilsætte en ext. gær.  Det er en bryg på 25 liter og der er tilsat
> et brev tørgær som er startet i et glas vand så den skulle være god nok.

Most likely things are going just fine! The first thing the yeast does, is to
make more yeast. So there is no point in adding any now, if you can see that
there has been some activity. It is quite normal that the fermentation starts
violently, and then continues in a more moderate tempo. Don't let the cheat
you, the wort is full of yeasts, who all are doing their job. They just don't
make such a fuss about it any more.

If you are worried, you can measure the gravity today, and do the same
tomorrow, and see that things are indeed happening. But that introduces a
small infection risk, so you might not want to. 

I know it is hard to wait a week, when nothing seems to be happening. Trust

   it will be beer anyway

       - Heikki

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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