O Alberto Couto apresentou no ultimo Congresso Mundial trabalho comparando a
produção de búfalas em ordenha mecânica com ou sem a presença de bezerro,
onde 18 búfalas com produção média de 2.127 kg na lactação anterior foram
divididas em dois lotes e ordenhadas com ou sem bezerro, efetuando controle
leiteiro a cada 5 dias (dias 20 a 45), não tendo verificado diferença na
produção dos dois grupos sendo que a descida do leite foi mais rápida no
grupo com bezerro (1,55 minutos) do que sem bezerro (3,42 minutos), mas não
houve interferência no tempo total de ordenha ou na quantidade de leite
residual. O cortisol (hormômio relacionado ao stress), apesar de baixos
valores, mostrou-se mais elevado no grupo com bezerro ao pé.


Abaixo, o resumo do tranalho como publicado nos Anais do Congresso (não foi
divulgado na íntegra).







Milk Yield And Milking Characteristics in Murrah Buffaloes Submitted to
Machine Milked With or Without Calf 

Alberto de GUSMÃO COUTOa*, Alcides de AMORIM RAMOSb, Elizabeth SAMPAIOa,
Patrícia MENDES and Guimarães BEELENa 

a Centro de Ciencias Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió,

b Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil 

c Laboratorio de Fisiologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Pirassununga, São
Paulo, Brazil 

d University of California Davis, CA, USA 

*Corresponding email: cout...@uol.com.br


This work was carried out on a Murrah breed buffalo farm located in São Luiz
do Quitude, Alagoas, Brazil. The objective was to compare the milk yield and
milking characteristics between buffaloes machine milked with or without
calf. Eighteen buffaloes used in the experiment were in their second to
fourth lactation, having body weights of 650 ± 100 kg and a total milk
yields of 2,127.47 ± 462.99 in the previously lactation. The animals were
randomized in two treatments: system 1) machine milking without calf and
system 2) machine milking with calf. Each animal attended the experiment in
the day of parturition and data were collected every five days, from day 20
to day 45 of experiment. The data consisted in milk yield, milk letdown
time, milking time, milk yield per milking, milk flow rate and cortisol. The
milking system did not affect milk yield (P> 0.05), which showed a a day
mean of 9.259 ± 1.228 kg, with 5.248 ± 1.228 kg ± 4.200 in the morning and
0.950 kg in the afternoon milking. The milk letdown time varied (p <0.05)
between 1.55 min, in the group without suckling calves to 3.42 minutes in
the system without suckling calves. However The milking system did not
affect the total time of milking or the amount of residual milk, that was,
on average, 9.81 ± 2.35 minutes and 165 g (3.88%), respectively. The
cortisol level in the milk, although low, was higher in buffaloes milked
with calf at foot (0.22 mg/dl vs 0.14 mg/dl). The management of buffaloes
allowed the milking machine without suckling calves with no differences in
daily milk production. 

Keywords: Buffaloes, Milking time

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