Hi Tassilo,

>>>>> Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:
> Shouldn't we do that change in Emacs itself, too?  If so, I'd bring up
> the topic on emacs-devel in order to ask in which branch to do it (28,
> 29, master).

After my further survey, I came to think that AUCTeX should (and can)
fix this issue without change to emacs core. If my thought is correct,
emacs 30 works without any problem currently.

The point is that AUCTeX should extend this follow-up on
`derived-mode-p' to `provided-mode-derived-p'. I'll explain the detail
in a few days.
--- tex.el -----------------------------------------------------------
;; COMPATIBILITY for Emacs<30
(unless (fboundp 'derived-mode-add-parents)
  (advice-add 'derived-mode-p :after-until
              ;; Don't quote by #'-style to avoid compiler warning.
  (defun TeX--compat-derived-mode-p (&rest modes)
    "Add pseudo-parents facility to `derived-mode-p' like Emacs 30.
Modes registered in `derived-mode-extra-parents' property of the
current major mode name symbol are regarded as parent modes as
long as `derived-mode-p' is concerned."
    (let ((extra-parents (get major-mode 'derived-mode-extra-parents)))
      (and extra-parents
           (cl-loop for parent in extra-parents
                    thereis (memq parent modes))))))

Ikumi Keita
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