The following  $ while read l ; do continue; done < <(ls -l / 2>/dev/null)fails 
on:  BASH_VERSINFO=4  BASH_VERSION=4.1.2(1)-release  SHLVL=1  (the machine I'm 
on doesn't have bashbug).with  """-bash: /dev/fd/62: Permission denied"""and 
not on bash3, bash2. And not on bash4 with a $SHLVL -gt 1.
Initially I was trying to narrow down a problem around some code that would 
work just fine on bash2, but fail on bash4 after almost 1h (~1800 invocations 
of that while loop) with:  """/home/jpa/ redirection error: cannot 
duplicate fd: Too many open files"""Interestingly, taking the command which is 
having the redirection issue fails at SHLVL 1 outright.
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

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