Pavel Roskin wrote:

> > Is there a site which could inform me about these projects?  What kind of state
> > are they in?
> I'm afraid it's not yet ready.
> There have been messages in the autoconf mailing list about this wrapper.
> My understanding is that it's not even clear whether it will be a separate
> project or part of Automake or Autoconf.
> I understand your interest, so I'll try to figure out what has been done

Thanks.  The help is appreciated.

> and where it is. It's too early to announce anything. My point was just -
> don't spend nights on cvsnt.mak - chances are that it will be obsolete
> before CVS-1.12

I'll keep my fingers crossed.  For now, I do need CVS to compile under NT and
thought I'd share.  I do see ocassional complaints along those lines.  :)


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( )
"The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad."

                        -- Salvador Dali

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