>Submitter-Id:   net
>Originator:     zou bin
>Confidential:  no
>Synopsis:      watch command not correct.      
>Severity:      serious
>Priority:      high
>Category:      cvs     
>Class:         sw-bug
>Release:       1.11.2
system: Linux zb 2.2.18 #8 Mon Apr 2 11:46:54 CST 2001 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

cvs watch on (cvs watch off, cvs watch add, cvs watch remove) response with
unknown command: watch_on (watch_off, watch_add, watch_remove)
just type in cvs watch at any time.
in main.c
add watch_on, watch_off, watch_add, watch_remove entry (copy from watch) in cmds 
in cvs.h
add watch_on, watch_off, watch_add, watch_remove (copy from watch) entry.

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