This is likely the problem from the gimp faq.

# I installed Gimp 2 on Windows 98/ME or NT 4, and I'm getting a lot
of messages saying ** (gimp-2.0.exe:4294830849): WARNING **: Couldn't
load font "MS Sans Serif 8" falling back to "Sans 8".
# Gimp displays the message Pango-ERROR **: file shape.c line 75 >
(pango_shape): assertion failed: (glyphs->num_glyphs > 0) and when I
click OK, it crashes. What should I do?
# You have two options:

   * Go to Start►Settings►Control Panel►Display properties►Apperance
tab(►Advanced if you're on Windows XP/2003), and set all fonts to
Tahoma (or any other TrueType font).
   * Uninstall GTK+ then re-install it without the GTK-Wimp component.

It is likely caused by my addition of the monospace font, we probably
need to set it to something else (some monospaced ttf present on all
systems??). Do you know what would be best here, Øystein?

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