On 5/9/09 6:01 PM, H. Langos wrote:
The volume attribute however is limited in its scale. it can only go from
-100% to +100%. The lower bound is ok as it represents silence, but the
upper bound is BS as it only allows gains of 6dB.

Very good point, I didn't think of that. Quite a shame to limit the RVA2 tag to 6 dB gain only.

So I guess we might want to abandon that in favor of manipulating the soundcheck attribute: http://www.id3.org/iTunes_Normalization_settings

That should be easy to do. Just convert the Sound Check value to dB, add the RVA value and convert it back. I could write a patch for that, but I'll need some test files as I don't use any RVA tags myself. I guess I can use normalize to create some RVA2 tags.

This will imply that gnupod will stop using setting Volume iTunesDB attribute, except when a value is already found in the iTunesDB (by tunes2pod.pl) or am I missing something?



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