Hi Richard,

On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 09:16:41PM +0200, Richard van den Berg wrote:
> There is no test for Text::CharWidth in configure required by
> gnupod-delete. I'm not sure if it should be a required or an optional
> module.

Actually it is FindHelper's prettyprint function and the same problem 
will arise in gnupof_find.

I could workaround it more or less by disabling that code path if
Text::CharWidth is not installed but it would cause the output to
be wrongly formated (as by gnupod_search when printing non-ascii 
utf8 characters).

It would be easier to simply require Text::CharWidth but I guess
there's enough ppl who will never have an accented character in 
their mp3 collection.

If you want to fix it yourself take a look at the code that 
handles Date::Manip in FindHelper.


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