Follow-up Comment #5, bug #63028 (group groff):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> they should think about the order in which they specify the
> characters, as only the last one is likely to end up visible.

An exception is (at least some) space-like characters.

$ echo "\o'abcd'efg" | nroff | cat -s

$ echo "\o'abc\0'efg" | nroff | cat -s

$ echo "\o'abc\ 'efg" | nroff | cat -s

Groff and Heirloom's nroff produce identical results with those inputs.  Where
they diverge is when \o is given an ordinary space:

$ echo "\o'abc 'efg" | nroff | cat -s
troff:<standard input>:1: error: expected ordinary or special character, got a

Heirloom nroff's output is the same, but it doesn't throw the error.  If that
holds of ancestor nroffs as well, groff objecting to this formerly permitted
construction should be documented in groff_diff(7).


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