E. Larry Lidz writes:
 > What's the latest on using Grub (0.5.95) with OpenBSD (2.7)? I've tried
 > both:
 > root (hd0,2,a)
 > kernel --type=openbsd /bsd
 > and 
 > root (hd0,2,a)
 > makeactive
 > chainloader +1
 > in my Grub configuration and neither seem to work.
 > The first gives "/boot too old: upgrade" and the second gives "bad
 > magic".

You can't chainload from the `a' partition like this, try this

    root (hd0,2)

it worked for me with OpenBSD 2.7, the only problem I had was that
the OpenBSD boot loader was not able to determine the root device
properly, (I had chainloaded the (hd2,2) partition), so I had to
use the `-a' boot time option, a real PITA, especially since grub
cannot boot the OpenBSD kernel directly anymore (I am not
complaining about this, just that it is the reason for your first
method failing).

Jeff Sheinberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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