
I would like to install linux on a compact flash and boot with grub.  I make 
the installation on an intermediate host  and the final host will be a 
machine soekris net5411.

how I proceeded!

1. I made partition to the compact flash in the following way:

/dev/hde1       10Mo    ext2    boot flag       /boot   ro
/dev/hde2       10Mo    ext2                            /etc            rw
/dev/hde3       236Mo   tmpfs                                           rw

2. I copy the kernel;  initrd;  the grub files;  ... in the 

3. I configure the file menu.lst

serial --unit=0 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal serial

# Boot automatically after 0 secs.
timeout 0

# By default, boot the first entry.
default 0

# Fallback to the second entry.
fallback 1

# For booting GNU/Linux
title  GNU/Linux
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro console=ttyS0,192008n1
initrd /initrd.img

4. I installed the stage1 on the mbr of the compact flash

dd if=/home/debian_testing/boot/grub/stage1 of=/dev/hde bs=512 count=1

This made, I install the compact flash in the soekris and with the boot of 
this one, only GRUB is posted in the terminal.  I do not see if it is a 
problem with stage1.5/2 or my configuration's file or other.  

Thank you for your assistance.

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