Hi Davide and folks,

I'm running FedoraCore5 64bits.  I got similar problem as Davide's.

2 days ago I ran;

# yum update

IIRC it only updated/installed the new kernel-2.6.16-1.2133_FC5. 
Everything went through without complaint.  After reboot grub did not
work to boot, only a blank screen with GRUB (all in capital character)
on the top left corner without ">".  I was not allowed to input.  key
stroke did not work.

The PC can be booted to the old kernel-2.6.16-1.2122_FC5 with a boot
floppy created with

grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (fd0)

I have no idea to fix this problem.  Please advise.  TIA


--- Davide Paltrinieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've upgraded to edgy-ubuntu last week-end, and all was right. But
> after
> that I've compiled my own kernel. The new kernel boot right but with
> no
> hibernation support, and so i re-compiled them. At the reboot, grub
> show a
> blank screen and doesn't show the menu for selecting the kernel.
> I've tried to reinstall an older version of grub with a live-cd OS:
> grub
> root (hd0,1)
> setup (hd0,1)
> .. all seem to be right
> but result is the same, also in the black screen was written in the
> top a
> row GRUB and some other symbol withno sense, and nothing else.
> I think is not a problem of kernel, because grub doesn't start to
> load it.
> I've tried to check filesystemof the partition where grub was
> installed but
> no error found.
> Any idea?
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