I had "PopOS!" on my hard drive and then I installed MX Linux on my SSD,
and when I was installing it, it had an option of overwriting grub on the
hard drive to dual boot easier. I chose it but then "PopOS!" never showed.
I asked for solutions they said pop os uses another boot manager so you
need to replace grub with something else, I tried but I couldn't disable

So then I decided to just replace pop os with windows 10 and skip all my
files but I tried booting with my USB and it opened grub. So I'm stuck with
MX Linux without the ability to boot to other OSes. How can I include the
hard drives os or disable grub or anything to be able to boot to my hard
drive? No solution on Reddit or MX Forums helped me so I wish you can give
me any sort of solution which would be super helpful

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