>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Ryde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Kevin> In the "Property Primitives" node of the manual (in the cvs), there
    Kevin> seems to be no mention of what parameters are passed to the
    Kevin> not_found_proc taken by primitive-make-property.

    Kevin> Experimenting shows it's the property and the object, but it'd be good
    Kevin> to say that, since I think one needs to know to write such a
    Kevin> procedure.

    Kevin> Also, the text for primitive-property-set! says "CODE", but the
    Kevin> prototype says "val".  Perhaps that's a bit of a typo, unless I
    Kevin> misunderstand it badly.

Thanks very much for this and your other reports.  I'll make
the updates you suggest in CVS in the next week or so.


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