<to...@tuxteam.de> writes:

>> (define (fn l)
>>     (define (ok l)
>>        (or (and (pair? l) l)
>>            (error "list is empty")))
>>     (cons (reverse (car l)) (ok l)))
> (so in my case it's 25 instead of 22). Interestingly, my version also
> produces warnings about possibly unbound variables). If I enter the
> code line by line into a repl, I also get a "not found 22".
> Interestingly, if I add a call to fn to the end of that snippet
> (e.g. (fn '(a b))), the "not found" disappears. The unbound var
> warnings stay.

Also interesting: I can primitive-eval the code:
(define code '(define (fn l)
  (define (ok l)
    (or (and (pair? l) l)
      (error "list is empty")))
  (cons (reverse (car l)) (ok l))))

(primitive-eval code)

(fn '((1 2))) ;; => ((2 1) (1 2))

What might be happening here is control flow analysis discarding
impossible branches:

(car l) will throw an error when l is not a pair. Since arguments are
evaluated in order, (ok l) will always succeed. This means (ok l) can be
replaced by l.

To look into details:

(compile code) ;; => throws an error: not found 22
;; use ,bt to get:

In system/base/compile.scm:
   352:28 17 (compile _ #:from _ #:to _ #:env _ #:optimization-level _ 
#:warning-level _ #:opts _)
   265:44 16 (_ _ _)
   265:44 15 (_ _ _)
   261:33 14 (_ #<intmap 0-83> #<module (#{ g836}#) 7fcbf85dfbe0>)
In language/cps/optimize.scm:
   130:12 13 (_ _ _)
    102:3 12 (optimize-higher-order-cps _ _)
In language/cps/type-fold.scm:
   775:16 11 (type-fold _)
In language/cps/renumber.scm:
   170:36 10 (renumber #<intmap 0-4,6-21,52-53> _)
   166:30  9 (compute-renaming _ _)
    144:7  8 (visit-fun _ _ _)
   160:19  7 (visit-fun 12 #<transient-intmap 0-4,6-11> #<transient-intmap 
In language/cps/utils.scm:
   245:39  6 (compute-predecessors #<intmap 0-4,6-21,52-53> _ #:labels _)
    107:3  5 (compute-function-body _ _)
   129:30  4 (visit-cont _ _)
   129:30  3 (visit-cont _ _)
    112:9  2 (visit-cont 22 _)
In language/cps/intmap.scm:
   397:51  1 (_ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1685:16  0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)

I’ll leave further steps to folks who are more experienced with
optimize-higher-order-cps (or want to become more experienced with it).

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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