
I added this to the bug cvs as 'clef-change'.

\header { texidoc =
"The clef change in bar 1 is too far to the right (it should be
placed below the notes of the first staff), and in bar 2 it is
too far to the right (it should be next to the left of the next
note)" }
\version "2.3.1"
\score {
\new Staff \notes {
b8. b16 b8. b16 b8. b16 b8. b16 |
\time 4/2 b8. b16 b8. b16 b8. b16 b8. b16 b1 }
\new Staff \notes {
b1 \clef F b \clef G b}
\paper { raggedright = ##t }
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