
there is an issue with the documentation that gave me a very hard time to understand the concept of changing automatic beaming behaviour. So I suggest an enhancement to the doc page.

When reading through the section "Setting automatic beam behaviour" I encounter this passage:

   The ending rules consist of a scheme alist (or list of pairs) that
   indicates the beam type and the grouping to be applied to beams
containing notes with a shortest duration of that beam type.
   #'((beam-type1 . grouping-1)
       (beam-type2 . grouping-2)
       (beam-type3 . grouping-3))
Unfortunately there is no appropriate code example. All examples that can 
reasonably be found are only for the default beam-type, like:

   \overrideBeamSettings #'Score #'(5 . 16) #'end #'((* . (2 3)))

The only example that shows me how to write explicit beaming is in a snippet 
called/"Beam endings in Score context/", which is far away from the point where 
the concept is explained.

Therefore I suggest extending the first example of this section (or rather 
adding a second) with an explicit beaming rule set like

   \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4 % may be omitted in a standalone example
   \overrideBeamSettings #'Score #'(4 . 4) #'end
        #'(((1 . 8) . (5 3))
           ((1 . 16) . (6 6 4))
           ((1 . 32) . (4 4 6 6 4 3 3 2)))

   c8^"(5+3)" \repeat unfold 7 { c8}
   c16-"(6+6+4)" \repeat unfold 15 { c16}
   c32^"(4+4+6+6+4+3+3+2)" \repeat unfold 31 { c32}

P.S. I didn't add it to the tracker myself because I would like to have it read by someone else before.

<<attachment: beaming.png>>

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