
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Percival <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 12:52:59 +0000
To: James Lowe <>
Cc: Keith OHara <>, bug-lilypond <>
Subject: Re: Staff Stretching problem in 2.13.50+

>On 3/9/11, James Lowe <> wrote:
>> Actually if you go back to my example that I reported this with
>> \header {
>> title = "S C H E R Z O"
>> }
>> \relative c'' {
>>   \time 3/8
>>   \compressFullBarRests
>>   R1*19*3/8 \break| cis4. | d8 r r | R1*2*3/8 | cis4. | d8 r r | \break
>> R1*20*3/8
>> }
>In which universe do you consider this to be a "tiny example" ??

Umm...6 bars of music of which 4 show the problem and the other 2 are
necessary to show err the problem.

Pretty tiny to me. If I don't have the 4 bars the problem isn't there, if
I have 5+ then the problem is still there. So the issue *could* be some
weird modulo4 bars of music-thing or some internal logic that seems to
fail at small measure counts. I don't know (if I did I wouldn't be
reporting it).

>the \time necessary?  Are the *19*3/8 necessray?

As far as I was concerned, Possibly and Yes. I could use *100000000*3/8 or
*2*3/8 the point is if you look I am using \compressFullBarRests which I
think defaults at 10 or 11, so if I wanted them to 'compress' at less I'd
need another line for an override.

Again I didn't know (like my MMR bug on 3/4 time I reported last year) if
this issue as to do with non-'simple' time sigs ( my MMR bug I
reported last year) and/or MMRs; and I couldn't evidently reproduce this
easily without understanding what was going on - which keith evidently
does having done a lot of spacing work - or without thinking it was MMR

>Is the weird spacing
>of "S C H E..." necessary?  etc?

I don't was what I had in my file it was the last line in my
\header block before the problem went away. It also had a ton of \markups
around it which I did remove also.

>No.  I have a Tiny example at the end of this email.


>BUG SQUAD: you should have rejected James' report immediately, forcing
>James to create an actual Tiny example, which would then be much
>easier for developers to discuss (and less easy to say "meh, yeah,
>whatever"), and thereby getting a good example into the issue tracker
>much sooner.  By "rejecting a report", you're not telling the reporter
>to bugger off; you're actually making the whole process run smoother.

Well Keith did have a 'tiny example' but then started on about \markup
which I didn't have in my example (there are no \markup) and yes I NOW
know what he meant by \markup but that wasn't clear to me. So there were
two examples in my email. Had I known what I know now then I wouldn't have
bothered trying to contradict Keith and used his example, but how was I to
know? For all I knew \header {} was something 'special' something
'different' and might have been key.

My problem seems to have been 'guessing' what might have caused the
problem I.e MMRs, keith said no gave me an example that I didn't see was
the same thing and so I just gave mine.

That was all.


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