        Blockedon: 2206

Comment #1 on issue 2213 by d...@gnu.org: Update documentation for \footnotes in Notation Reference

I think that the best bet for getting this done speedily is to first have issue 2206 go through the wranglers. Its last iteration is still in Patch-new state.

Since the convert-ly rule set is quite more complex than the last one, it makes sense to put it through countdown again.

My laptop's screen broke down yesterday. I have been reviving my previous laptop (which I repaired after getting a replacement), but it means that I am working on a single CPU setup with about 1GHz, and it appears to be quite slower than one would think it should when compared to my "main" laptop (factor 2). Probably some memory or disk bandwidth shortage. As a result, a doc build plus make check takes about 3 hours, and that is not hyperbole. In addition, either because of the font setup or because of a CPU fault in the old computer, I get frequent floating point errors in the editor, typically crashing it. Crashes were reduced after recompiling it without Gtk support, but the fp errors (things like truncate 0.01 or something get flagged, making it likely that the error flag is actually set by something else and then interpreted at the wrong time) continue and give not all that much confidence in the results.

Repairs seem not likely to be worth the money, a replacement (this time dual processors might make sense) would be a few hundred Euros even when bought second hand. So my rate of contributions (at least those that require testing) is severely affected.

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