----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean-Charles Malahieude" <lily...@orange.fr> To: "Lily Bugs" <bug-lilypond@gnu.org>; "lilypond-devel" <lilypond-de...@gnu.org>; "Julien Rioux" <jri...@physics.utoronto.ca>
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 6:19 PM
Subject: make doc problem

Hi all!

Not only that I can no longer use "-j" on a first build (it is OK
on the next builds), which means 40' for a "make doc LANGS='fr' and
about 2 hours for all languages, I now have to "make doc-clean" in
order to view a corrected typo. I've tried a "touch masterfile.tely"
before "make doc" but it doesn't change anything.

Does anybody else experiment this as well?


I've run a few with -j9 CPU_COUNT=9 this afternoon with no problems. The only oddity I've noticed is that make doc make doc now seems to rebuild a lot of files the second run.

Phil Holmes

bug-lilypond mailing list

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