Federico Bruni writes:

> Il 10/01/2013 08:01, David Kastrup ha scritto:
>> Colin Hall <colingh...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Finally, can you confirm that the string "Going back in MIDI time" is
>>>> not present in the .pot file? Why?
>>> I understand that your query about the pot file is a non-bug because
>>> such messages are not translated. So, no bug to report there.
>> While it is true that "programming error" messages are not translated,
>> they are produced for situations indicating, well, a programming error,
>> as feedback for LilyPond developers that something in LilyPond is wrong.
>> Now in this case, nothing in LilyPond is wrong, but rather in the user
>> input, as the user asks for something that does not fit into Midi.  And
>> the user input is not juggling around with LilyPond internals in an
>> unexpected way, making it become internally inconsistent.
>> As a result, a user-comprehensible _warning_ should be produced instead,
>> and "user-comprehensible" then also would imply that it is being marked
>> for translation.
> Should this be added to issue 1412?
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1412

Not sure. The analysis from Carl Sorensen which you linked from the 1412
tracker is useful:


He identifies that engraving and MIDI differ fundamentally in respect of
grace notes and presents a manual workaround in that post.

A fuller MIDI implementation in Lilypond would automate the problem of
rendering acciaccaturas at the beginning of a piece.

The code that produces the programming error message is here:

Midi_walker::output_event (int now_ticks, Midi_item *l)
  int delta_ticks = now_ticks - last_tick_;
  last_tick_ = now_ticks;

    this is not correct, but at least it doesn't crash when you
    start with graces
  if (delta_ticks < 0)
      programming_error ("Going back in MIDI time.");
      delta_ticks = 0;

  track_->add (delta_ticks, l);

> It's not clear to me what that issue is really about (title is too
> generic).

I'm guessing that issue 1412 was created with the aim of eliminating the
programming error.

With the MIDI rendering implementation we have now, David Kastrup is
correct; the message should be a user warning and it should be added to
the translations. This is distinct from both your doc enhancement and
the 1412 tracker which is about extending the MIDI rendering

So I suggest a new doc enhancement tracker for this one.


Colin Hall

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