Eluze writes:
> Colin Hall-3 wrote
>> Colin Hall writes:
>>> Eluze writes:
>>>> with
>>>> \relative {
>>>>   \voiceOne
>>>>   \grace a'8
>>>>   c4 c c c
>>>> }
>>>> the stem direction of the following notes is wrong
>>>> this doesn't happen if the grace is not the first note or by repeating
>>>> \voiceOne after the grace.
>>>> I didn't find an exactly matching bug report
>>  Which version did you use?
>>> I'll attempt to reproduce it with the latest dev version in order to
>>> make a PNG for the tracker.
>> The bug is reproducible with 2.17.11, see attached image.
>> Your report seems very similar to a report I found from Phil Holmes in
>> comment 5 of tracker 630:
>> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=630#c5
>> Could you confirm that your example is distinct from the one reported by
>> Phil?
> I agree, it seems related, but:
> issue 630 deals with simultaneous voices and the error also occurs later -
> not just at the beginning of a voice (maybe my example is just a little bit
> tinier)
> issue 667 is similar, too (and has been merged into 630)
> I've traced back this behavior back to 2.12.3 (the earliest version I have
> installed)

Thanks, Eluze. For the sake of efficiency let's just treat your report
as a re-reporting of a known issue. Whether it is or not can be resolved
by the devs when they pick it up.

I've added a comment to the tracker linking to this thread:



Colin Hall

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