Phil Holmes writes:

> "Colin Hall" <> wrote in message 
>> Felix Janda writes:
>>> Ok, just to collect some stuff:
>>> It seems like that actually most things are in the /website directory on
>>> the server. For instance when going to Apache shows the
>>> index of /website/pdf (but one is not redirected).
>>> Actually grepping the source for "[^wd]"; doesn't
>>> give too many results:
>>> Most are and, which
>>> seem to be actually on the root of the server. Also /gub and /vc are
>>> only at the root. /search doesn't seem to exist
>>> (Documentation/topdocs/README.texi). There are different robots.txt in /
>>> and /website.
>>> So the Apache trickery seems to be to have shorter links, i.e.
>>> instead of
>>> That doesn't work to well with relative links, though.
>>> Felix
>> Thanks for your diligent work in documenting these problems, Felix.
>> Having read back through this thread I think you are reporting two
>> problems with the website:
>> The lilypond website is not w3c compliant.
>> The lilypond website does not interoperate with the lynx web browser due
>> to ellipses in some intra-site links.
>> Is that a concise summary, Felix?
>> Phil has pointed out that fixing it is complicated (and probably also
>> complex) job.
>> So, devs and documentation authors, would you like me to accept this
>> (minor) bug report and create a tracker?
>> The tracker could be "document interoperabilty and standards compliance"
>> or it could be "fix the web site", you decide.
>> In the absence of any opinions I would opt for the former.
>> Cheers,
>> Colin.
>> -- 
>> Colin Hall
> I would suggest 2 issues: 1) Fix website W3C compliance (which I can fix) 
> and 2) Fix website links (which I've discussed in the past with Graham, who 
> warned me off touching it.  While it's mostly working, I wouldn't touch it).

I've created the trackers.


Colin Hall

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