YD writes:

> Le 27/02/2013 12:44, Colin Hall a écrit :
>> yvand writes:
>>> Hi lilypond developpers,
>>> I wanted to type the well-known composition "Für Elise" in lilypond for a 
>>> friend.
>>> Unfortunately, the PDF generated by lilypond was damaged (according to 
>>> evince,
>>> gimp, inkscape)! After some tests, I found what was the problem.
>>> The title was "Lettre à Élise" (translation in French of "Letter for 
>>> Elise"),
>>> and the character "à" in the title was the origin of the problem! (same 
>>> problem
>>> in other header fields)
>>> It seems so odd, amazing for me that only this "special" character was the
>>> problem. Indeed, other "special" characters (such as é, É, è, È, ç, Ç, ù, 
>>> Ù, À
>>> (à uppercase!) etc) works fine!
>>> PS : Sorry for my bad English.
>> Here is an update on your bug report, Yvand.
>> The bug you reported is due to a known problem in Ghostscript. The
>> Ghostscript team have fixed their software but we had not yet adopted
>> the fix in Lilypond. For more information, see:
>> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2985
>> David Kastrup has fixed Lilypond.
>> We expect your problem to be fixed in the next unstable release of
>> Lilypond.
>> Cheers,
>> Colin.
>> Bug squad.
> Thank you very much for the details and the fix.
> It reassures me, I was not dreaming in spite of the doubts of some... ;-)
> But I don't understand why some people did not manage to reproduce my 
> issue (using the same code and the same lilypond version) (maybe we used 
> a different version Ghostscript).

I don't know either.


Colin Hall

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