Nick Payne writes:

> On 04/03/13 20:24, Colin Hall wrote:
>> Nick Payne writes:
>>> I just encountered issue 1473 (ottavation marking in one voice affects
>>> all voices on the staff), and it took a bit of digging to find the
>>> solution (change Voice.middleCPosition in the other voices). Maybe there
>>> should be a short "Known issues and warnings" in the section of the NR
>>> dealing with ottava brackets - all the examples shown there are a single
>>> voice.
>> That sounds like a good idea, Nick. Would you mind drafting some
>> suitable text and sending it in?
> Colin
> Is the suggested text and example below clear or not? I grabbed the 
> example notes from a question on the lilypond user list a couple of 
> years ago, which seemed to demonstrate more clearly than anything else 
> the problem and how to solve it: 
> I guess 
> that any work done on issue 1473 would affect this as well.

Thanks very much, Nick, that's great. See new tracker:

And I have added a comment to 1473 to link it to the new tracker 3223.


Colin Hall

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