Am 18.04.2013 18:20, schrieb Trevor Daniels:
Urs, you wrote Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:07 PM

Does that mean that it is 'lilypond-book' on Linux and
'' on Windows?
I don't have a Linux installation to hand to check, but as lilypond-book
is written in Python and is not (I think) cross-compiled in GUB to an
executable, all that is distributed in the binary releases is the .py version.
If you build LilyPond yourself maybe .pyc versions are created?  I doubt
if executables are.  Have a look in lilypond/usr/bin to see what you
have.  Here I have just
Hm. I have 'lilypond-book', but as a script, not as an executable.
So 'which lilypond-book' returns the path the that, 'which' returns nothing.

And if yes, that you have to use 'which' on Windows?
Seems so.  which lilypond-book returns nothing.  Remember this is when
using the MinGW Bash shell, which has to be installed separately under
Windows.  "which" is not a known command in the Windows Command
Prompt - I've never explored using that for compiling a doc section, or
even for running git.  Sounds unlikely to work.

Maybe it's not worth pursuing this.  There are other hurdles to overcome
even if we had a working Windows script - installing MinGW, git, the
repository, texi2html, etc.  I remember spending quite some time getting
this set up in Windows.  It would probably put off the typical Windows
I have implemented some checks so the script _should_ find lilypond-book as well as
But we'll see when I'm ready.


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