Hi all,

I found an inconsistency in SVG output vs PDF output. Took me awhile to figure out what was adding the unwanted spacing to the SVG. (I've used "title" for the example but the story is the same for "composer" etc.)


\version "2.19.52"

\header {
% in pdf output, title = "" is the same as title = ##f or no title (no space is added) % in svg output they are not the same, "" inserts space but ##f and no title do not
  % seems like the svg behavior should be the same as the pdf behavior

  title = ""
  % title = ##f

\paper {
  top-margin = 0 \cm
  top-system-spacing.basic-distance = 0
  top-system-spacing.minimum-distance = 0
  top-system-spacing.padding = 0

% staff should be aligned to the top of the page/image

{ \clef bass c1 }

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