Slurs and ties — most difficult to make: developer has to think about
them before his work.

1. I have noticed in main web site of LilyPond beautiful image of music.
2. The image shows correct breaking of ties between (two) systems.
3. But when I was rewriting songs, it happend that breaking ties or
slurs between (two) systems made ugly print, not like in professional
music notation books shopped.
4. Why the image from main web site of LilyPond has correct shaping
ties after breaking in two systems and my work accordingly to manuals
creats ugly shaping of slurs and ties?
5. When developer thinks to make project of music notation software,
he has to decide, what interface will be using by future software. He
has to be sure that his future software will do with beautiful slurs
and ties.
6. I think that LilyPond is not "music notation for everyone" but only
for specialists. Per analogiam: there are softwares with graphical
interface like office packages for any customers; and there are some
software with none graphical interface like TeX, for specialists
(there is a LyX, a graphical interface for TeX, Latex, AMSTeX etc.).
7. So, please, answer the question in point 4. as above.

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