Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> On 18.07.2018 10:59, David Kastrup wrote:
>> basically one of the calls to \offset gets junked because of LilyPond
>> not being able to disentangle them (one could extend the code to handle
>> this case but it would still balk at more complex combinations).
> Great! This is exactly what would be needed in my use case, since I
> wouldn’t have wanted the offset to be applied twice. ly:expect-warning
> exists.

Well, don't rely on this sticking around.  It may well end up at some
time without warning and double the offset since that is what you are
asking for.

> I suppose the better solution would be for the makeOctaves function to
> filter out overrides and \offset calls from the duplicate of the
> music?

Definitely.  Also more future-proof.

David Kastrup

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