Il giorno ven 24 ago 2018 alle 11:33, Victor Rouanet <"victor.rouanet"> ha scritto:
Good morning,

I'm having an issue with musicxml2ly, installed with a manually downloaded version on lilypond 2.19.82.

I exported a musicxml file from Musescore, then converted it to lilypond source with musicxml2ly without error. However, when I try to compile it with lilypond, I get the following error: "syntax error, unexpected end of input, expecting \header". Here is the full output:

And the musicxml file content:

This error happened with any musicxml file I tried to convert from Musescore.

After some research, I found this topic on the lilypond-user list which looks like exactly the same. The suggested workaround (replacing split_string_and_preserve_doublequoted_substrings by string.split in makes it work, but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.

Which operating system are you using?

On Linux, I don't get any EOF error.
Find attached the .ly file generated by musicxml2ly version 2.19.82.
There's a wrong input though:

$ /usr/bin/lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.19.82
Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected '^'
   \tempo 4=80
               ^\markup{ \bold {Moderato} } | % 1 error: markup outside of text script or \lyricmode
   \tempo 4=80 ^
                \markup{ \bold {Moderato} } | % 1 error: syntax error, unexpected '_'
   \mark \markup { \box { A } }
_\markup{ \italic {sempre forte} } | % 2 error: markup outside of text script or \lyricmode
   \mark \markup { \box { A } } _
\markup{ \italic {sempre forte} } | % 2 error: syntax error, unexpected '^'
   \stemDown e4 \stemDown c4 \stemUp g2 \breathe
                                                 ^\markup{ \italic error: markup outside of text script or \lyricmode
   \stemDown e4 \stemDown c4 \stemUp g2 \breathe ^
                                                  \markup{ \italic error: errors found, ignoring music expression

fatal error: failed files: ""

\version "2.19.82"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from jafanosumu.xml

\header {
    encodingsoftware =  "MuseScore 2.3.2"
    encodingdate =  "2018-08-24"
    title =  Testing

#(set-global-staff-size 20.1587428571)
\paper {
    paper-width = 21.01\cm
    paper-height = 29.69\cm
    top-margin = 1.0\cm
    bottom-margin = 2.0\cm
    left-margin = 1.0\cm
    right-margin = 1.0\cm
    indent = 1.61615384615\cm
    short-indent = 1.29292307692\cm
\layout {
    \context { \Score
        autoBeaming = ##f
PartPOneVoiceOne =  \relative c' {
    \clef "treble" \key c \major \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4 | % 1
    \tempo 4=80 ^\markup{ \bold {Moderato} } | % 1
    \stemUp c4 _\f \stemUp e4 \stemUp g4 \stemDown c4 | % 2
    \mark \markup { \box { A } } _\markup{ \italic {sempre forte} } | % 2
    \stemDown e4 \stemDown c4 \stemUp g2 \breathe ^\markup{ \italic
        {rit.} } | % 3
    \stemUp c,4 r4 r2 \bar "|."

% The score definition
\score {
        \new Staff
            \set Staff.instrumentName = "Piano"
            \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Pno."
            \context Staff << 
                \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" {  \PartPOneVoiceOne }
    \layout {}
    % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line:
    %  \midi {\tempo 4 = 79.9998 }

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