

I’m using « tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1” on Linux , and it seems that the owner
option is not working : 


I try to do the following command (as a root user) :

tar -xvf livre_20120221.tar --no-same-owner --owner=wwwrun --group=www


But, when the files are extracted, they all have root:root privileges
(user:group) and so, I need to use the chown command.


This is not a big problem, but I would like to know if this is a bug or if I
did not understand the syntax.


Or may be this is due to the fact that this wwwrun user is not a “real” user
: in passwd file :

wwwrun:x:30:8:WWW daemon apache:/var/lib/wwwrun:/bin/false




PS : I’m writing to this address because at the end of the tar description,
the following sentence is shown : 

Report bugs to <bug-tar@gnu.org>.



Flavien Chignardet


Service exploitation

7-9 rue Frédérick LEMAÎTRE

75971 PARIS Cedex 20

Tel : 01 40 33 77 20

Fax : 01 47 97 75 44


If you cannot convince them, confuse them. - Harry S Truman


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