We have recently upgraded some of our Intel Pentium servers to Red Hat Linux 7.0 and note that the old BSD-derived "lpr" print spooling system has been replaced by a newer version called LPRng. This is all well and good except that lpr as implemented in RH 7.0 will not print a plain text report cover page that contains three centered lines of text and is normally printed on a C. Itoh CI1000 printer using 11x17 paper. (At least, after several days of almost continuous testing, this system administrator has not been able to get it to do so.) The file to be printed is generated by the Empress RDBMS Ver. 8.20 report writer and, as previously noted, is plain ASCII text. When the file name is given to lpr as an argument without using "pr" or some other text formatting program, RH 7.0 produces and prints the following error message (instead of the desired file): "No way to print this type of input file: fsav (linux) virus (2570-11-10)". To try to work around this, the text formatting program "pr" was used in conjunction with lpr. It works to a degree, but not in the most important aspect. For our reports, including the cover page, we do not need or want the header and trailer that are generated by "pr". The man page for "pr" specifies that the -t switch can be used to "omit page headers and trailers". Running in RH 7.0, the -t switch is ignored. For example, when "pr" is invoked from the command line as: "pr -t filename | lpr", the Linux-produced error message noted above prints on all output. The printers tested are a networked C. Itoh CI1000 printer and a directly-connected HP Laser Jet 4 printer. Any workarounds, suggestions, or tips that you may be able to provide would be MUCH APPRECIATED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Andy Rochat Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC East Tennessee Technology Park NMC&A Department Building K-1600, MS 7304 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-7304 phone: (865) 574-8215 fax: (865) 574-9489 _______________________________________________ Bug-textutils mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-textutils