On Wed, 15 May 2024 00:54:43 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/arguments.cpp line 2271:
>>> 2269:     } else if (match_option(option, "--illegal-native-access=", 
>>> &tail)) {
>>> 2270:       if (!create_module_property("jdk.module.illegal.native.access", 
>>> tail, InternalProperty)) {
>>> 2271:         return JNI_ENOMEM;
>> I think it would be helpful to get guidance on if this is the right way to 
>> add this system property, only because this one not a "module property". The 
>> configuration (WriteableProperty + InternalProperty) look right.
> So my recollection/understanding is that we use this mechanism to convert 
> module-related `--` flags passed to the VM into system properties that the 
> Java code can then read, but we set them up such that you are not allowed to 
> specify them directly via `-D`. Is the question here whether this new 
> property should be in the `jdk.module` namespace?

That's my recollection too. The usage here isn' related to modules which makes 
me wonder if this function should be renamed (not by this PR of course) of if 
we should be using PropertyList_unique_add (with AddProperty, 
WriteableProperty, InternalProperty) instead. There will be further GNU style 
options coming that will likely need to map to an internal system property in 
the same way.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19213#discussion_r1601002132

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