On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 09:06:52PM -0600, Oskar Teran wrote:
> hello people,
> I've been trying to make an mbx mailbox for a few departments but I just 
> can't seem to get it to work.  I"ve read the o'reilly IMAP book, i've 
> read the readme's and docs.....but I still can't get it to work!!
> I've installed imap 2002 on a Redhat 7.3.  I also downloaded the client 
> utilities.....did exactly as they suggest in their docs, but all I get 
> is errors...directory does not exist...exit error 2 all over the place. 
> What is the correct way to install this thing??   And can someone 
> please point me to a clear documentation of how to create the mbx 
> mailbox......I'd be so grateful for this!!!
> The rest of the email server is working.....I just need to make 
> department email boxes and the mbx format seems like the correct way to 
> go...but I can't create it.!!!

I am sure there are those who can give you a good answer, imap server
specific answer.  But my advice is use "strace" to find out the path
the imap server is not finding.

"man strace" to figure out how to use it.
   __o          Bradley Arlt                    Security Team Lead
 _ \<_          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           University Of Calgary
(_)/(_)         I should be biking right now.   Computer Science

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