On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 08:11:49AM -0800, Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Etienne Goyer wrote:
> > My problem are two fold : under either plaintext or SSL connection, I
> > received the "Can't do /authuser with this server" error form c-client.
> "Can't do /authuser with this server" means that c-client does not
> recognize any server's SASL authenticators, and is therefore doing the
> LOGIN command.  The LOGIN command can't do /authuser.

Yes, I guesed it.  The server advertise AUTH=PLAIN in either clear or
TLS/SSL connection.  I guess it should pick it up ...
> I don't know what PHP may be doing.  Perhaps it disables AUTH=PLAIN.

Since mailutil work, this is the best guess.  However, I had been
reading PHP's imap_open() carefully, and I am pretty sure it pass the
mailbox string as-is.  I will look into it further.

Thanks for your insight; any other ideas/comments greatly appreciated.

Etienne Goyer                    Linux Québec Technologies Inc.
http://www.LinuxQuebec.com       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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