
 I've got a bug report from a user about POP server at pop.spheregroup.net.
He couldn't login to it using c-client based client because the server
doesn't mention USER in its CAPA reply. Here is an example session:

    % telnet pop.spheregroup.net 110
    Connected to pop.spheregroup.net.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    +OK Sphere Solutions Pop Server ready
    +OK Capability list follows
    +OK [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient ok
    pass ******
    +OK [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s mailbox has 0 total messages (0 octets).
    +OK [EMAIL PROTECTED] yyy.zz POP Server signing off (mailbox empty)
    Connection closed by foreign host.

Because of the line (952 in my UW_IMAP_2004b_SNAP-0409021845 snapshot)

  else if (!LOCAL->cap.user) mm_log ("Can't login to this server",ERROR);

in pop3.c, the absence of "USER" in CAPA reply results in not being able to
login to this server at all. It seems to me that this is not the ideal
library behaviour and that there is no harm to try to login using USER
(considerations of sending password in clear text don't necessarily apply,
i.e. imagine that this happens over a SSL tunnel...).

 I definitely don't pretend that this POP3 behaves correctly and c-client
does not, I'm well aware that the contrary is true. However from the
user-usefullness point of view, it would be really more helpful if c-client
tried to use USER which is understood by 99.99% of all POP3 servers (and
whatever the proportion of broken POP3 servers is, it's definitely more
than 0.01% in my experience).

 Thanks in advance,

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