The SSL SMTP server on port 465 is broken and violates the RFCs in multiple ways.

First, it doesn't do case-independent matching on SASL authenticator types (e.g. "auth plain" does not work but "auth PLAIN" does).

Second, it does not issue proper empty challenges. It issues "334 =" instead of the correct "334 ".

Basically, it's a variant of the problem described in:

Please contact Google and report the problem.

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Akmal Khodjanov wrote:
Has anybody experienced problems using c-client on Google's SMTP
server? I'm trying to send a message using c-client, and that's what I
Log: SMTP SERVER BUG (invalid challenge): =
Log: Can not authenticate to SMTP server: 334 =
The hostlist I'm passing to smtp_open looks like this:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/smtp

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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