On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Matthew Leingang wrote:
Now when I try to connect using an IMAP client (even "telnet localhost 143")
I can't login.  I get the NO LOGIN failed response.

Does this happen when you make an SSL (port 993) connection to your IMAP server?

Does Entourage do a STARTTLS command? If it doesn't, then you must use port 993 and not port 143.

I've also tried
building with the arguments SSLTYPE=unix (to allow plaintext logging in,
kind of a no-no).  Same problem.

Did you make sure that when the server started, that LOGINDISABLED does *not* appear in the CAPABILITY list (you'll see it in the server greeting banner)? If LOGINDISABLED appears, then you are running a SSLTYPE=nopwd build server.

Note that you must do a complete rebuild (make clean) if you want to change the SSLTYPE option. There are wizardry ways to avoid this, but don't distract yourself with that for now.

Please keep me informed of your progress. Unfortunately, greater security means that there are more things to go wrong, but we'll get you going and happily IMAPing.

Related question: Once it gets working, I only want to allow connections on
the IMAP port from localhost.  Can I do that with the
/etc/hosts.{deny,allow} files?


-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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