Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
> --- Thomas Hruska wrote:
>> There would also have been warnings on the next line of code with the 
>> compiler complaining about a "signed to unsigned conversion" or 
>> something like that.  That would have been the more useful clue to the 
>> OP that a "weird conversion" was happening behind the scenes.
>   Yeah, gcc -Wconversion does not warn about it.
>   Nice comment.
>   May I report this to the gcc maintainers?

gcc is a very stable compiler and has been around for a really long 
time.  I'm sure there is a way to get the warning level high enough to 
warn about sign conversions.  You could ask them, but try to not present 
it as a bug - the compiler is the way it is for quite a few historical 

One more thing to try:  Try compiling your code as C++ and see if there 
is a difference.  C++ compilers tend to generate a lot more warnings as 
the language is, generally-speaking, more strict.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President
Ph: 517-803-4197

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