Ross Paterson wrote:
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:54:12PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:
I've written down the proposed policy for versioning here:

It turned out there was a previous page written by Bulat that contained essentially this policy, but it wasn't linked from anywhere which explains why it was overlooked. I took the liberty of rewriting the text.

You wrote:

A client that wants to specify that they depend on a particular version
of the API can specify a particular A.B.C and be sure of getting that
API only. For example, build-depends: mypkg-2.1.1

Are you proposing an extension along the lines of that proposed by
Thomas (and Bulat, and others), i.e. this would be equivalent to
build-depends: mypkg >= 2.1.1 && < 2.1.2 ?

Yes, I should have mentioned that, thanks. I'll update the page shortly with this suggestion and others.


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