Hi Simon,

I see, you triggered another feature/bug of cabal install, namely when you are in a project directory, project settings affect solving process. And when there's a .cabal file, it's a project. So cabal tried to find an install plan containing local packages (that makes sense, if you try to install local lhs2tex for example!)

Solution is to change directory (cd) somewhere else and try again. (There's also cabal install -z flag feature request, -z to ignore local project; but it's not yet merged).

- Oleg

On 31.5.2019 11.02, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:

Thanks Oleg

my first guess is that: when working on the unsaturated type families paper, you did `cabal install --lib report`; or something similar. `report` is probably some internal library to that paper / project.

I am confident I did nothing like that. But there is a file called report.cabal in the directory where I did the ‘cabal install lhs2tex’ command.

To confirm, check what is in your ~/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.6.5/environments/default (or similar), is some `package-id report-` line there?

There is no such file:

bash$ ls ~/.ghc

ghci_history        x86_64-linux- x86_64-linux-

x86_64-linux-8.6.4  x86_64-linux- x86_64-linux-

bash$ ls ~/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.6.4/



*From:*Oleg Grenrus <oleg.gren...@iki.fi>
*Sent:* 30 May 2019 20:19
*To:* Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com>; cabal-devel@haskell.org
*Subject:* Re: Cabal install

Hi Simon,

my first guess is that: when working on the unsaturated type families paper, you did `cabal install --lib report`; or something similar. `report` is probably some internal library to that paper / project.

In that case, you are hitting the unfortunate cabal bug [1].

To confirm, check what is in your ~/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.6.5/environments/default (or similar), is some `package-id report-` line there? If so, the simplest fix is to remove that environment file.

- [1] https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5888 <https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fhaskell%2Fcabal%2Fissues%2F5888&data=02%7C01%7Csimonpj%40microsoft.com%7C5a4d4dc3dc214b29d8f408d6e533b91b%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636948407671672464&sdata=OH3R%2Fl9xP6d2w8OUQ8V%2FUa%2Bp%2FEpDeqyy%2FWWBxTJ7Q%2BQ%3D&reserved=0>https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5559


On 30.5.2019 16.50, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:

    Dear friendly Cabal folk

    Here’s what happened to me today

    bash$ cabal install lhs2tex

    cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:

    [__0] next goal: report (user goal)

    [__0] rejecting: report- (conflict: requires

    [__0] fail (backjumping, conflict set: report)

    After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively,
    these were the

    goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: report

    Crumbs.  What is ‘report’?  Why does it need
    UnsaturatedTypeFamilies?   I’m totally lost.

    Then, in an inspired moment, I thought to change to a different
    directory, ~/tmp.

    Then quite different things happened – it downloaded and built
    relevant libraries.

    I think that there just happened to be a .cabal file in the
    original directory I was in at the time.  That appears to affect
    what ‘cabal install’ does in a truly radical way.

    My point is this: this is terribly confusing for the user (at
    least for this on).   I’d be shocked if ‘apt install blah’ behaved
    utterly differently in different directories.  I’m going to make a
    little empty directory somewhere, and cd to it before invoking
    cabal in future.  But that just feels like a workaround, not a

    I’m not saying it’s wrong – just giving you a data point that it
    had one user completely stumped



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