Hello again,

Yes, I'm still having problems, and most of them have nothing to do with computers. But this one does. When I first started playing with Cactus, I was just running things from Eclipse and the JUnit test runner, but then I wanted to automate things, so I spent a lot of time working with Ant. At first I had put my test classes in the same directories as the classes they were testing, but I decided that was messy and decided to make separate src and class directories for the test classes. That works great with ant because you could have your test classes on mars as long as you could tell ant where to find them. Not so with the JUnit integration in Eclipse. It cannot find my test classes. It worked fine when they were going to the WEB-INF/classes directory, but now they're in WEB-INF/test-classes and I get the following when I try to run tests:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error finding class [com.cleanbrain.cleantelligent.presentation.action.LoadActionCactusTest] using both the Context classloader and the webapp classloader. Possible causes include:
   - Your webapp does not include your test classes,
- The cactus.jar is not located in your WEB-INF/lib directory and your Container has not set the Context classloader to point to the webapp one

followed by the rest of the stack trace. Well, the cactus.jar is in the correct place. That's about all I know. I don't know much (anything) about classloaders, so maybe that's my problem. Maybe it's just another I.D.10T. error. :-) I'm learning....


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